With the technological advances in the 21st century, online booking has become more popular than ever. The travel industry has and must continue to adapt to the shopping and technology trends.
While COVID-19 made traveling near impossible for almost two full years, travelers are back to jumping on planes and trains to travel the world again. Travelers planning trips want the easiest, most convenient, and most affordable ways to book their trips like online booking, mobile-only discounts, and self check-in.
Travel Bookings Made Online
According to Stratos Jet Charters Inc., an estimated 700 million people will make a booking online by 2023 and 83% of US adults want to book their trips online. Travelers are finding it easier and quicker to book their trips online versus calling a sales representative at a travel agency or hotel. While booking online may skip over a few key details, overall, booking online is generally the easiest method of booking trips. Travelers are able to view photos, details, availability, and prices all without any human interaction.
Benefits of Online Booking
The travel industry has had to adapt to technological advances and lifestyle changes throughout the years. Many of the changes trace back to trends and the ways people shop and connect. With these changes, many trends have been created or evolved.
ChatBot is a relatively new piece of technology that is continuously evolving and being refined. ChatBots allow for human-like interactions where users are getting immediate responses to their questions via a bot with preselected answers. Alternatively, ChatBots can also be run by an actual human or forward a user to an actual human at some point during the chat session.
Sustainable Travel
With the troubling increase in climate change and greenhouse gases, travelers are looking to minimize their impact on the environment while traveling. According to Stratos Jet Charters Inc., statistics show that over 70% of all travelers want to contribute to sustainable tourism, but experience several barriers to going through with their ideals.
Personalized Booking Experiences
Statistics show that over 90% of travelers want an online experience that is personalized. Many companies have already implemented changes that move towards making their online experience more customer-friendly and personalized.
We're here to provide you with personalized short-term, fully furnished, and equipped housing. Have questions? Check out our online booking for all Connecticut properties here.

Hey, guys! It's Brianna, the Content Specialist at Compass. Find me here on LinkedIn and we'll connect!