Compass Furnished Apartments

Women In Business Travel

Written by Maddy Khentigan | Oct 8, 2019 3:00:00 PM

Let the statistics speak for themselves. There are more women in business travel than ever before. Companies across the entire travel cycle have needed to shift focus in order to account for all this change, adjusting to meet the needs of female business travelers. Corporate travel brands (like us), hotels, airlines, and even car rental companies have all started to make these adjustments. 


What are these changes? Good thing you're here. This blog will go over:

  • Examples of how businesses shifted gears
  • Why female travel accommodators save their companies millions a year over men
  • Your new "Resource Guide" on all things female travel, executive buy-in, retention, and more...

*BONUS: We've attached a downloadable packing checklist for all the savvy female road warriors out there! 

Before we get into it, let's make sure you're up to date with today's statistics...



Living accommodations: 

Everyone wants to feel safe and secure when they travel, right? Whether it's hotels, furnished apartments, or Airbnbs, the drive to go above and beyond providing these environments has heightened since the rise of female travelers.

Some properties have even implemented all-female floors for added comfort and security. 


Flying accommodations: 

As a response to more female, parent, and senior travelers, airlines have started adding lower overhead luggage bins for easier access. Small details like this have a big impact on one's travel experience. From start to finish, traveling should be simple and convenient.

Do you have the most convenient travel routine? Put it up to the test in our "Convenience in Business Travel" page. 


Privacy Power: 

Privacy is important.

Travel accommodators have been giving female travelers more control of their stay by allowing them to self-select their own airline seat and give them their own individual space during their travels. 



All of this comes down to care, effort, and understanding. Female travelers want to know their company cares about their travel - not just the cheapest room and red eye flight.

Guarantee that you attract, maintain, and keep your rockstar female travelers by visiting our breakout page: "Impressing Top Talent".


You heard that right. Women are saving companies millions on business travel.

Harvard Business Review did a survey looking at the differences men and women make when booking travel.


Result 1: Women book flights an average of 2 days earlier than their male counterparts. 

Result 2: Women are spending an average of $113 less per plane ticket.


When all factors are added together (route, seating, timing), their gender price difference shrinks to about $17, aka 2% of the ticket price. 

Pretty small, right? WRONG. Think about companies who have thousands of road warriors flying each year.  The article explained:  "for a multi-national company with 21,000 travelers, those two extra days can yield $1 million in savings".

The study fell short in asking why women book as early as they do, but researchers gathered it's because women are more stressed by business travel. Pre-planning and organizing allows them to feel less anxious. 


What do you think? You could be saving your company millions as we speak and not even know it. Pretty cool. 


I've created resources for you!

As a women in corporate travel, I totally get it. Use these to calm anxiety, feel empowered, and get ready to save millions! 


  Convenience in Business Travel

Impressing Top Talent

Win Over Executives & Get Leadership Buy In

Creating the Perfect Proposal

Top Apps for Business Travelers

Create the Most Successful Travel Policy

Raise Employee Retention & Lower Burnout Rates

The Road Warrior Survival Guide



Become a resource for your team, send this to coworkers, or use this for yourself!





Hey, guys! It's Maddy, the content creator at Compass. I hope you've been liking my educational pieces. Find me here on Linkedin, I'd love to connect. Talk soon!


Resources used: CorpTrav, Fortune