Compass prides ourselves on having great company culture and positive relationships within not just our team, but our industry, residents, and business partners all together. In an effort to share our resources and provide helpful, educational content, we listed out everything you need to know about burnout. So let’s get started!
From professionally to personally, we’ve heard “burnout” used within many different capacities. But...is it really that serious or are we just being dramatic?

Burnout has been studied by researchers for decades and, believe it or not, World Health Organization just named it as an official medical diagnosis. Other reputable medical centers have also listed burnout as a legitimate cause of concern...so if you ask us, yeah, burnout is pretty real!
What people might not know is that there are many different types of burnout with many different types of solutions, symptoms, and causes. So, what are they and how can you tell the difference? How can you differentiate burnout from just a bad week or challenging assignment? No matter who you are, what you do, or how much skin you have in the game, understanding how burnout works is important.
Use this guide to help better yourself, become a better resource for your team, and help better your overall company’s culture.
The most common signs of burnout are:
- Feelings of energy depletion or exhaustion
- Increased mental distance from one's job, or feelings of negativism or cynicism related to one's job
- Reduced professional efficacy
In order to differentiate burnout from common anxious and overwhelming feelings, it is said that anxiety will be limited to the workplace. Meaning when you move away from the main aggressor (for example, work), these feelings become sparse. Burnout however, carries over into many other areas of your life - not just the point of aggression. If you're burnt out because of work, you will feel it significantly affecting your personal life whether it be with your family, friends, outside hobbies, etc.

Have you ever found yourself stressed, overwhelmed, and unable to carry out simple tasks when in the office, or traveling on business? Adding traveling to your usual schedule is a huge cause for burnout. Making sure that (no matter where you are) you’re comfortable and well prepared does a lot more for your well-being that you might think. Helpful tips on how to pack, how to adjust, and how to sleep better allow you to destress and lower your risk of becoming burnt out significantly.
Not always the traveler? That doesn’t change anything when it comes to potential burnout! Even being the one tasked to make sure employees, interns, and executives get handed the perfect travel plan (or even relocation plan) is tough! Where do you start? What if a family is relocating? What if you’re moving someone into international waters? There’s a lot on the line when it comes to business travel. Not knowing your resources causes added anxiety and more stress than needed. Working with helpful partners instead of trying to figure it out on your own is the perfect solution for anyone tasked with travel and relocation responsibilities.
Companies and executives have it rough too, you know. Keeping retention rates high and continuously growing the team is tough! Competition is getting more brutal by the day. Decision makers need to figure out how to stay afloat...they’re bound for burnout! Understanding how to solve these problems doesn’t come easy, but I can tell you, being able to have solid benefit packages and top notch travel accommodations set in place will have your company standing out among competition immediately.
Lack of control
Examples: Unable to control your schedule, a heavy workload, and having a lack of resources.
Compass Bonus: When you can't get ahold of your budgeting and reporting, that also falls under lack of control. Look through this case study to see how a globally recognized reinsurance company used Compass to raise their retention rate and lower their burnout rate drastically.
Unclear job expectations
Example: Getting a job with great travel opportunities only to realize the company has no travel accommodations. You'd be researching and setting up everything yourself...every time you travel (something they didn’t mention during the hiring process).
Psst...what if "research and setting up everything" only meant making one phone call? That would be great wouldn't it? Well, that's exactly what happens when you take advantage of using a corporate housing company. Our reservation process is only 3 steps and designed to alleviate all your stress - having you ready to go in no time!
Dysfunctional workplace dynamics
Example: Getting micromanaged or undermined by colleagues.
Lack of social support
Example: Needing to relocate for a new job where your welcome wasn’t as accommodating as you thought it would be. You’re left trying to navigate your new city with little guidance.
Compass Bonus: 10 Tips for Relocating to a New City, Feeling at Home with Compass
Extremes of activity
Example: Having to relocate a new employee with their family to the United States, going way beyond just finding housing. This includes figuring out school systems, visas, dmv, etc...something that gets very specific and overwhelming quickly.
Work-life imbalance
Example: Your road-warrior work life is slowly intertwining with your personal life, making you more overwhelmed and stressed without a break.
Did you know burnout can be separated into three different categories: frenetic, under-challenged, and worn-out? Which one do you fall under?
Occurs when employees put maximum energy into their work 24/7 without care for work/life/balance (in hopes that the output will be rewarding). Those who work over 40 hours a week are more likely to experience this type of burnout.
Occurs when one constantly feels bored and unchallenged at work.
Occurs when an employee feels retired from their position due to long time feelings of stress and anxiety in the workplace.
Did you know, there are certain professionals who are more likely to experience burnout? Here are the top 8.
Human Services Professionals
Law Enforcement
Retail Workers
Hospitality Workers
We'll get through this.
While we know we’re awesome, we also know that we aren’t medical physicians who can professionally assist in treating a clinical diagnosis. But we can offer some advice and hope it helps!
The first step is realizing if you’re burnt out or not. Go back and read our listed symptoms to help guide you through this process. The next step dives a bit deeper. Let’s determine what type of burnout you have. Are you overworking yourself? Do you feel bored at work all the time? Are you checked out of your job? The three types of burnout explained above will help you come to a conclusion on this.
Once we have everything identified, it’s now time to address the problem. This can be addressing your manager to adjust your workload, changing up your job responsibilities, revamp business travel accommodations, talking to your team members, etc. Just because you’re burnt out, doesn’t mean you aren’t able to fix the issue. Compass is here to help make sure you, your work, and your well-being are all thriving. Whether you're a burnt out individual yourself, or if you’re simply looking to help your team find ways to cope and prevent burnout, you're not alone! We have a ton of educational resources for you.
We hope you've enjoyed this blog and were able to learn more about the severity of burnout. Use these additional resources below to help recover, prevent, and recognize burnout!
How To Reduce Burnout By Getting Better Sleep
Business Travel Survival Guide
The #1 Tip For Employee Satisfaction
Preventing Employee Burnout With Retreats
Prevent Burnout By Knowing Exactly What To Expect In The Corporate World