Compass Furnished Apartments

5 Things To Do To Help Build Your Trust In Travel Again

Written by Jill Lamb | Jun 16, 2020 3:25:29 PM

A very different summer travel season is taking shape amid the COVID-19 pandemic. With trepidations about where is safe to go, restrictions changing so frequently, and the fear of the unknown, doing your research will help you build trust in travel again.

In a May 20th call with Royal Caribbean Cruises chief executive Richard Fain he expects that the “new normal” eventually will just became normal. "Travel and tourism will grow," he said. "Not by reverting to what it was, but by adjusting to a world where all activities - everything we do in the world will have changed.”

Despite COVID-19 continuing to hinder the travel sector, locations around the world are beginning to open again. More travelers are getting on planes. Airlines are reinstating routes. Countries and states have begun to welcome visitors, despite the remaining risks.


For now, travel may look different in a number of ways, but one thing is for certain – providers are doing everything in their power to build your trust with traveling again.


5 Things To Do To Help Build Your Trust In Travel Again

  1. Study Up
  2. Learn About Cancellation Policies
  3. Cleaning
  4. Think Outside The Box
  5. Start Small



Take some time to dig into what precautions providers have implemented. Are airlines flying at 50% occupancy (bye bye the dreaded middle seat)? Are hotel reception employees standing behind Plexiglass shields? Restaurants in the area providing outside dining options? Traveling to an area where you are required to wear a face mask?…the list goes on and on.

While researching may seem exhausting, it gives you an opportunity to take charge. Finding the safest alternatives will give you added confidence during your trip, and ensure a less stressful experience.

Pro tip: Build out a solid itinerary for your trip. This will ensure you have all of your information in one location, and give you something tangible to look forward to your travel plans.



Throughout the daily changes the last few months have thrown at us, travel providers have had to keep up with new federal, international, and local restrictions. As a result cancellation guidelines have been constantly changing. Before booking anything, make sure to reach out to your provider’s team to clearly understand their new cancellation policies. This way if (knocks on wood) you are forced to change your plans, you are well ahead of the game, and know what you can and can’t do.



It should go without saying that any professional provider has a rigorous cleaning protocol. However, with the current state of the world, every business has had to adapt. In the hospitality industry we take your health extremely serious. Understanding what the guidelines on social distancing measures, frequency in cleaning schedules, particular services having unique schedules (housekeeping, spas, etc) and added amenities to expect like Purell and Lysol Wipes, will help ensure a clean and sterile environment to stay safe.

See what preventative measures Compass is doing to keep you safe.



While most of us our dreaming of traveling to far off locations like Thailand, the Maldives, or a European backpacking adventure, the best way to gain trust in traveling is to think outside the box. Perhaps in lieu of backpacking through Europe, you can explore the Rockies. Looking for fun in the sun? Tourist packed landmarks, museums and theme parks may be more enjoyable and less crowded than you would previously expect. These iconic locations are known for drawing a crowd. But as they reopen and look to the future, those crowds are expected to be much smaller — and more controlled. In plans to welcome visitors back this month and next, operators of some of the world’s largest theme parks painted a picture of what they expect a coronavirus-era “normal” to look like inside their gates. So while mandatory temperature checks; visitors and crew in masks; rides, lines and seats spaced to allow for social distancing may seem jarring, the smaller crowds allow for more space to have fun.



Before we start hopping on long flights or jetting around the world, start small by venturing out closer to home. After all, what better way than to get comfortable with travel than by traveling where you know best. Booking site Travelocity recently came out saying that most hotel bookings are within 100 miles of where travelers live. Staycations, vacation rentals, and serviced apartments are here to meet those short-term furnished needs.




We know that travel is coming back, but understandably so, what we don’t know is when travelers will feel comfortable traveling again. Luckily our team is dedicated to make sure that you are in a home away from home, that is safe, secure and can provide you with the prime location for your leisure, bleisure or business needs.

Feeling overwhelmed? Don’t bite off more than you can chew! Reach out our crew and we will be able to answer all of your travel questions and build your travel trust back up.



Some light reading



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